Sunday, September 28, 2008

Wise Men Vs. Mad Men

A balance. Must man always find a balance? I wonder about this as I sit in my living tonight room with my partner. We are two totally different people. He is wise and I am mad. He moves deliberately and I move without much real thought or care. I give way to my mood swings and he is the total opposite. The mood he awakes in, in the morning is the mood he will more than likely remain in for the rest of the day. Of course, there are a few exceptions.

I was reading the bible tonight (Proverbs) and people with my huband's wisdom seems to be highly favored. In fact, the bible gives a lot of advice to men and women who succumb to their passions. It says that we are under the control of something --or somebody. I for one, believe that. Personally speaking, I am a slave to several different things; so is my husband but in many holy books his methods of doing things are still preferred over mines. Why is that?

In my most honest personal opinion, the wise man is the chosen one because he causes very little confusion and has the uncanny ability to please all parties involved in a dispute or altercation. Who wouldn't want that? Every person I know can appreciate the fact that there is someone who can sit down, listen to almost any argument, disagreement or discussion and not only see the views of every person involved but also UNDERSTAND what it takes to keep all interested parties satisfied. He is a rarity, and to be celebrated.

I can tell you from experience this is not the way that matters are handles by passionate people. We operate from a very selfish stand point. Many of us actually believe the way we think is the ONLY way to think. I love Hermann Hesse books, but can tell you if you were to talk to him he would probably appear overly confident and self absorbed. It really takes an unique soul to believe that their way is the only way to live, function and thrive in the world. Not everyone can do it. Not every man will have his or her own philosophy. If they do, not all will profess it like it is The Only Truth.

Wise men know better and that is why certain books like Proverbs in the bible make a lot of sense. Buddha, Ghandi, Martin Luther King Jr. and the works of women like Mother Teresa normally strike a cord with me and I'd imagine it would be the same for others. I admire people who understand the importance of patience, people, peace and love. Many times they are the people whom we wild creatures go to for our own dose of "wisdom." Kenny is my sounding board which I could never do without. He endures the ups and downs and I dish them out. All in all he is my rock.

I will admit, there is a certain appeal to a wise person. They are slow to judge. This one fact puts them in a category all by themselves and keeps them surrounded with both dedicated and loyal friends. The mad man can not say the same and that is why you have more wild self imposed hermits. Those with the fire will eventually burn out because the energy he puts out is rarely reciprocated. Wise men do not run off into the mountains of Switzerland like the most passionate men but dies amongst his people.

It has nothing to do with ego either. Kenny may be wise but he has an ego. I've seen it. But at the same time, that is what makes him so great; he masters it.

I must admit I am also in awe of writers such as Oscar Wilde who said, "We teach people how to remember, we never teach them how to grow." The more feral and liberated the individual the more I am attracted to them. I despise consistency, boredom and lack of imagination. Structure and details gives me a headache but not the wise man.

All in all, I probably make more mistakes than my husband who evaluates everything, unlike me who jumps in head first...but I like the way I live. I enjoy the person I have become. In many ways, I toy with life and take almost everything for granted. I am the spice of the universe.

But wisdom is the key that is needed in life.


Somebodies Friend said...

I am definately a work in progress, but at the same time I have made huge strides compared to the person I used to be...

All I can do is strive to better myself and the people around me!

I will do everything I can to be a better person and also to help as many people as I can... It feels better to give of yourself than to receive.

I have overcame so many things in my life, what I have had to endure would have killed most people.

My therapist said that the things I have overcame in the last four months would have sent almost anyone else to the hospital at leat two or three times.

I may not be perfect but I will give it my all...

I have overcome... I will do whatever I can to help others do the same... to overcome.

DeStouet said...

somebodies friend,

i think it is wise to say that we all are incomplete. i'm glad you were/are able to overcome.

thanks for sharing.

DeStouet said...

@somebodies friend,

your blogs?....are they open for sharing?

Anonymous said...

Peace and blessings DeStouet:

I love the book of proverbs!

I think it all boils down to respecting freedom of conscience which requires the implementation of the golden rule.

My only issue with this as a credit is teetering on the line of relativism? When I reflect on my childhood I see the belief that everything is true, and right responsible for the abuse.

Hope I made a sense!

I love your blog so much! Especially the art!

Sister Seeking

P.S. I tried to e-mail you through your blog but couldn't? my e-mail is