Monday, January 12, 2009

Living Life

Hi guys,

I haven't had a post in a while because these last eight weeks have been pretty busy for me. With the holidays and New Years and my children being home for Christmas Break, I was swarmed with things to keep them busy. Add to that, that I've been working out twice a day with my oldest daughter -plus plain ole' living life- and you can see why I haven't written anything in a while.

The energy in my household is really crazy. This year is looking very promising for everyone under my roof, and we are all just trying to take it one day at a time, so that we don't miss a valuable lesson. Which is really hard to do considering everything we have coming up, like my daughter's school trip to Hawaii in June. My husband is getting ready to change jobs, my son is getting ready to go to daycare part-time and I am going to register for ASU in February. So, things are going to undergo a complete change in our home, and by this same time next year, we should be in the process of relocating back to Pennsylvania. And from there, only God knows where we'll end up at, but I'd like to get my BA while we are living there, before we move anywhere else. Just three more years of college to go before I have my degree.

So things are really headed in the "right" direction, and with so much going on, it's rather difficult to find the time to really write.By 9:00 pm, I am normally in my bed reading my son a book, writing in my journal or reading a book myself.

I hope everyone is doing well themselves, still riding off the energy that 2009 brought with it.

Peace, and Love to us all!