Monday, September 15, 2008

Open Season On Black Woman

Have you ever been in a fight with your lover or male partner just to watch other black men walk past as if it was not happening? Have a man ever blacked your eyes in front of his friends while they all laughed about it. Or worse, have you ever decided to just confide in another woman about the various types of abuse taking place inside of your home to be told to "just deal with it." I have. It's because it is open season on black woman. There are no support groups in place, there are no black men in her community in place to protect her from predators. Every woman needs to feel safe, and out of harms way. The men in her community are suppose to be the first line of physical defense and the woman in her community are suppose to be the first line of emotional support. And now young girls feel unsafe walking down the streets at night, knowing that if she is raped and yells for help, her screams will go ignored. Life will go on at the same time a woman is raped on the streets. A man will eat a sandwich on his front steps as he watches a young man beat on a woman.

It's open season on black woman. She has no protection or support in place by the other people in her community. If you are in a position like this, you must leave and get help. In most cases, it's simply not safe to be a black woman in a all black neighborhood. I know this is not always the case, but right now I am talking about the majority of down-trodden, beat-up communities. If you are living in an area where a black woman is valued and respected by the other African Americans in the neighborhood, you are the exception.

It's amazing the number of times I have heard a woman cry for help just to have no one ever come. My daughter's father would hit me in his mother's house, and his brother and mother would be downstairs watching television. I hated them for it. Where is the protection for black woman? She attends church service all through out the week, and is constantly tithing, and paying her dues. Where is the emotional support and protection from the black church? Where is the love and dedication she shows to the people that she loves? Is it being reciprocated?

Little girls are being molested, sexually harassed and raped at alarming rates. No one is speaking up for them. Why? Does the tears that fall down the cheeks of a little black little girl look any different than those that fall down the face of a Caucasian, or Asian little girl. I think not! I'll tell you why though. The first people who feel the effects of happiness or sadness are those closest to you. In this case, it would be the immediate family, extended family, and then those members of the community. Now, I have my beliefs about why the black community have been destroyed but that's not important now. What is important is that young black girls realize it is open season on them. And they are being preyed upon. There seems to be very little being done as far as implementing the necessary steps needed to stop the violence being perpetrated against young black woman too. And I am disgusted this is the case. But, it's not going to get easier. If you are reading this and are trying to break the cycle of abuse, and realize that for every two steps you take towards a thriving future, you take five steps back into a life of pain, I need you to learn to be ruthless as Ms. Khadija said. Cut Throat! Put yourself up high on a pedestal. It is open season on black woman, and it there is NO end in sight.

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