The thing about abuse is that NOT everyone is going to overcome it's effects. As much as I wish this was not the case, it's true. When a child grows up in homes where there is any kind of sexual abuse, physical abuse, verbal abuse and psychological abuse there are bound to be some people who will do nothing but perpetuate these types of abuses. This could be compared to when a farmers crop managed to get off to a good start despite some poor condition and then the farmer says something like "and they probably would have fully recovered if...." Same thing with children who are brought up in abusive homes. They probably would have grown up to be very well-rounded individuals if...
Just like that crop, only the strongest individuals will be able to navigate their lives afterward. And however they choose to do stop the cycle of abuse is normally alright with me. Because the thing about abuse is that no one else can tell a woman who has been raped by a man to just "get over it." Not even a rape survivor. How does a woman just "get over" having a man force himself upon her without her consent? How can we expect a child whose been told, "they'll never amount to anything," his entire life to ever believe otherwise once he becomes 21 yrs. old? It's really tough.
Sometimes I also believe in all of our differences we forget just how alike we are. We forget how words when injected into the soul of another human being can resurface in our dreams years later. I know I haven't been psychically or verbally abused in over fifteen years but I can still repeat some of the things I once heard as a child verbatim.
I am not asking us to condone it. But to spend more time understanding people who are not strong enough to break cycles of abuse.
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