Even as a child I knew I was special. I was literally able to endure pain, misery and suffering at the hands of people whose obligations were to protect me without ever breaking down or given up. I didn't just collapse as a child, and I would never give someone else the pleasure of seeing my perpetuate the cycle of abuse on to my children. And I am still able to forgive those who failed to protect me, like my mother and father. In their addictions both if them were weak, and at the same time unable of providing a safe haven for me. Since my mother opted out I stepped up. Now forgiveness hasn't been the easiest. My mother was down stairs when I was molested by Jeffrey. When I told what David forced me to do as a child, she didn't believe me. Yet and still I forgive everyone including the men. I wrote my cousin David a letter about three years ago (I never mailed it) forgiving him of what he had done. Because to be honest, it never stopped me. And it is my personal opinion that when someone hurts a child they are trying to break their spirit. PERIOD!
I am a special individual. Bright with a great deal of potential most of which I owe to books, Mrs. Stewart, Mrs. Holmes, Ray, Victor, Harvey Synder, Donald Sobeck and a list of others who during our short time together made sure they did whatever was in their power to make me "smile." To show me that someone was looking out for me. In fact, I was accepted into Masterman as a child, and Friends Select but due to behavioral issues was not able to cut the cake. I said that because my teachers in elementary school saw something in me and acted on it. I can remember when I went to accept my award from the superintendent of Pennsylvania schools my third grade teacher went out and brought me a white new dress, white shoes, a bow for my hair and a slip. She made me wash in the bathroom sink, helped me put on my dress and sent me off to receive my award looking like a beautiful little girl.
I have a small short list of great support now. It should have always been this way. I am ENTITLED to the very best. I give my children the very best and everyone else I meet.
Reminds me of a quote by Booker T. Washington "Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome."
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