Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Just stick to the plan

I was speaking with my hubby on the phone this morning, sharing with him my concerns about the economy amongst other important things. In just a matter of a year, I have met more people than I care to count that has been affected one way or another by this economy. Some people have lost their jobs, some people can no longer afford health care, some people have lost their entire life saving, while others have lost their homes. Every day I am simply amazed at the stories I hear first hand from individuals who were once living the "American Dream."

Anyway, I told me husband that I was a little bit scared, and his exact words were, "Why are you scared when you have a plan? Just stick to it." Immediately -and I do mean immediately- a heavy burden had been removed from my shoulders and I felt light on my feet again. All of a sudden the stories I had been hearing on the news meant absolutely nothing. All of the articles I had been reading meant absolutely nothing. In that few seconds I became confident again.

Because, irregardless of what is going on in the world around me, all I have to do is stick to my plan. Now I understand that I may have to make necessary adjustments when the time comes, and that is to be expected but other than that I'll stick to my plan.

For example, the plan for me was to wait until I graduated from college before I started trying to look for work of any sort. Well the plan has been changed. Because of a huge discussion by my favorite blogger Khadija, I decided that I may need to start looking into another stream of income ASAP.

As long as I stick to the plan nothing can go wrong. Even if I get off track, the only thing I must do is get right back on track again. No sweat! This was the absolute best news that I've heard all year -and Spring has not even sprung.

My husband reminded me that he has had the same plan since he was just 17 years old. Although he has had to make some adjustments, overall things are going according to his plan. That was really encouraging to hear.

I'm sticking to the plan guys!