Friday, September 19, 2008

A Man's Fight is Not With His Woman

A man's fight is not with his woman. It is with the world that tries to hinder, hurt or harm his family. Outside of a man's home are his enemies. Inside of his home are his friends, children, lover, and partner. His safe haven. It is where he goes for truth, to meditate, to find comfort and peace. He goes home to his family. And that reason alone is why he does whatever he must do in order to protect his family. It's the reason he wakes up in the morning and goes to work. It's the reason he moves them into neighborhoods where his family can prosper and thrive. If he "shorts" his family in any way, he "shorts" himself. A real man knows this.

I tell my oldest daughter all of the time that a man’s touch should never be any stronger, harder or stronger than a massage. I take my hand and stroke her across her cheek and tell her that her lover should only stroke her skin, caress her body, fondle her, and rub her down. They can wrestle and play fight but his intent should never be to purposely cause her pain. If he ever hits her she must leave. It’s a violation to her spirit, and she will feel it.

There are a lot of black women settling for less and that’s because her confidence has been damaged, some have been destroyed beyond repair. However, there are plenty of others who know that something isn’t right and just can not put her hand on it. I am speaking to those beautiful women. The black females who feel like it is her duty to stand by her man but is tired of not having her needs fulfilled. If you are confident in your relationship this message is not for you. But if you sense that something is not right within your relationship than it is for you. You have no obligation to a person that is not going to respect you, protect you from harm, provide for you, and make you smile. No OBLIGATIONS whatsoever!

I realize this may go completely against what you were told, and that’s good. Because you’ve been sensing something anyway. Your lover’s fight is not with you, but with the world outside of his home.


Conservative Black Woman said...

This is a great post. I am forwarding it to my daughter and husband. Great blog. Keep up the good work

DeStouet said...

Conservative black woman is,

Thank you for showing support. I really hope it touches your daughter.

Somebodies Friend said...

Yes, the fight is outside the home.

DeStouet said...

somebodies friend,

sometimes when things are getting real bad outside of our home, I have us remove our shoes outside, to symbolize that our home is where it all comes off at. we bring nothing into our house except our hearts, and my husband was the first man to let me know that. i was completely blew away but jumped quickly onboard.