Saturday, September 20, 2008

Take Away Her Pain

Sometimes I am completely shocked at the number of people who are not up in arms about something that is going on. There are so many injustices where does one start? I don't know. But what I do know is that I care. I care that in Forrest City, Arkansas, an eighteen year old male was charged with the rape of his eight day old daughter. And the sad thing is that this is not the first time a newborn baby has been violated in such a horrible way. I care that everyday there is a black little girl that goes missing and she does not get the national media attention that a white little girl receives. It just isn't fair. I am outraged that crimes are being perpetrated against little black females everyday, and when they yell out for help it never comes. Why does help come for some people and not for others?
As a child, I was forced to perform oral sex on my cousin David, and help never came. No one ever made David pay for what he did to me. He never made things better. I did. I wrote him a letter of forgiveness a few years ago. I released his hold on me because it was holding me back. But no one made him pay for what he did to me. In fact, my siblings, uncle and mother all have dealings with this guy. No one cares. No one protects the black woman. She quickly learns that all crimes committed against her are perceived as a joke. Who in the hell cares?
I protected my children from most things. As a young mother I was stupid, but I always knew that it was just a matter of time before I stopped neglecting my responsibilities and stepped up to the plate.
People have to pay for their crimes and more people should make sure they do. I have a serious interest in the black woman/girl/female. I love her voice.
I once heard a person say, "There will always be crimes." To which I responded, "And there will always be people speaking out against those crimes."

We are living in a world full of babies. Is there not anyone wise among us? What about you college educated guy? What about you CEO? Is there not one living human being left on earth? Is there not one person looking to upgrade their materials? Please tell me this isn't so. Is there not one of you who can bring a smile to someone else? The world is filled with bastards and wenches.

There is no god just me. Pray to me and you will receive. Pray to him, he has nothing.

PS. I am no longer going to be sympathetic towards those who are stupid and cowards.


Anonymous said...

Yes, The world is full of bastards and wenches, that is a fact!

There are a few good people left, but one needs to dig very deep to find them.

Happy hunting!

DeStouet said...
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DeStouet said...


i totally agree with you, the world is full of bastrds and wenches. however, i don't hunt for the good ones. we are attracted to one another.
my heart is so good people who are committed to evil run away as fast as they can. when i was younger i had no control over who came into my life (that was my parent's responsibilty) but now that I am older and wiser, i leave trash on the street for the street sweepers.

Anonymous said...

I just worded it wrong, what was meant is hunting for those that attract.

I didn't open my eyes before, and when I did see something I blew it off as "oh, it's not that big of a deal that they screwed me over, they won't do it again>"

Well now I see like a hawk, if I even sniff the faintest odor of a rat I cut off the head.

No more, I will never be used again, I won't tolorate ANY nonsense whatsoever, NONE.

And it feels empowering!

God Bless You!

DeStouet said...


you didn't word it wrong. i understood exactly what you meant. i stand alone (i'm not lonely though) for a reason. You seem to be the same way.

good for us.