And like that it's all over. I've exhausted all possibilities with my relatives and came up empty-handed with nothing to show for it either. No more, guys. If you are one of the very few people brave enough to stop the cycle of abuse, break all ties to any of your family members who are unwilling to get professional help. There is nothing you can do for them. They will always see themselves as victims.
Here are a few of the many comments that have changed my mind. If you care to, you are more than welcomed (and even encouraged) to follow the discussion here at: http://muslimbushido.blogspot.com/2008/09/reality-check-what-black-underclass-is.html
First, let me give you a little background on what I am talking about. A while back I posted a blog entry titled, Why I Can't Just Pull An Antwon Fisher. It was written because I was still emotionally attached to my siblings and to my mother. I knew I needed to do something extreme as Antwon did but at that time I was still emotionally chained. But G-d knows my heart.
Yesterday I read the very first comment below and it put me on the spot. It was like holding a mirror up at myself. Then I woke up and read the remaining comments that I'll share with you. I have been in a daze ever since.
Sister Khadija made this comment: "It sickens me when people are shocked when I say the following: Once I find out that a woman is dating, affiliating, or whatever with a man who is a sexual predator, I cut that woman off. Completely. I don't care who they are. Or who they USED TO BE to me.
This comment forced me to admit that my mother and siblings should have NO contact with any of the men that molested me. None what so ever. But they do…they all do.
And sister Khadija also made this comment: "The mothers who've allowed their children to be molested viewed themselves as victims. Everything is always all about them. No matter what they have done, they see themselves as the "true" victims in every situation."
Want me to tell you something? I just spoke to my mother last year about still having dealings with one of the jerks who molested me, and she told me I was being selfish and only thinking about myself because she needed him to help out of a physical altercation with her husband. She called the man who----
Sister Seeking said this: "I know first hand by intimate personal experience that when you do view them as victims you reinforce their world view. I'd like to add something else to that: when a whole group of people buy into the victimization scandal it punishes innocent by standards. Case and point: when I terminated my mothers parental rights I was emotionally bullied by all my biological family members as being "selfish" " ungrateful" "hateful" and get this: "IMPATIENT."
This comment hit home with me because since I came back from visiting my family in Philadelphia this past May, I have been emotionally bullied by my mother's support team because I can not just "forgive" her. People in my family has this sick notion that I should just be more grateful and less selfish.
Sister Seeking: "Saying all of this to say: I don't have a bond with ANY of my biological family members because of their refusal to get professional help which is free as well as their refusal to take personal responsibility and manage their life."
I'll let this statement stand alone.
Sister Seeking: "Do you know what I believe brought us to our place of rest today? In addition to G-d's mercy, I believe that people like us have a certain degree of rebelliousness--a higher level of resilience that was present from birth on. From a preschooler on, I always knew something was terribly wrong with my family, and childhood. From early on I developed a protest spirit refusing to be beat down or beat up by other people. My defiance or " oppositional disorder" was not a result of mental illness, drugs, or the desire to rebel against authority--it was my innate disposition to rebel against oppression, and just pure evil. The flame inside me never has died. This is why I recognized early on that I was going to become another statistic if I didn't get out of the foster care system--and fast. This is why I terminated my mothers parental rights. And today with only a meek, and humble heart to the Almighty can a truly declare victory becuase I refused to pissed on, and defecated on by people. I did waver but my anger motivated me to fight back."
I'm done guys. Just like that it's finished. I have no ties with any of my biological family on my mother's side. I can't tell you what it's like but it is different. I am even really proud of myself for this last step because my elder was not here when I took it. These comments really resonated with me in such a way I walked right out of bondage. Just walked out of the chains. I'll remember this day for the rest of my life.
Peace and blessings DeStouet:
Yes, sister, you can let go. You can let go of them emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and physically to a degree. You can do it: tune out anyone who tells you, you can't. It took me 11 years to do it but I finally did it. The biggest instrument G-d used in my life was the experience of motherhood for me. Here is a poem a wrote my daughter so that if I should I die before she is an adult and she ends up with God's know who caring for her, she will always know the truth. She is only 3 now, but when I begin homeschooling her, before she learns even our religion, I will make her memorize this poem. So if G-d forbid, one day I am not here, no matter what, she will have truth locked away in her mind, and will have the ability to refute any madness presented to her:
My Beloved Amanita Dia
Beloved Amanita
Beloved daughter
My love for you
Flows like a never ending stream of running water
Blessed slave of Allah
Strength and hope glowing
Your very existence praises Allah's law
Beloved Amanita....
I love Allah more than you
I love you and this is the only truth
There is nothing I wouldn't do for you
Beloved Amanita
Beloved Amanita
Everything in life is an illusion
Allah, Alone, is the only truth
Allah, The Holy, the Yal-Quddus
Beloved Amanita
All other paths lead to no where and are no way
Islam is your chosen deen
and as you grow older you will see what I mean
Your guardian of faith is Yal-Mu-Min
Beloved Amanita
Love Allah more than yourself
Place him above everyone and everything else
Above you, above me, this is the truth
Allah the most loving the Yal-Wadood
Beloved Amanita
Allah the Greatest Giver of gifts
Allah, the Ya-Razzaq
Entrusted you to me
Allah the Generous One
Allah, Yal-Kareem
Beloved Amanita
You belong to Allah
You belong to no one else
You are Allah's slave
You don't even own yourself
I have already let go of you
And I ask you to let go of me
Because you are the property
Of The Great One, Yal-Azeem
Beloved Amanita
You are not in this life for me
You are hear for the deen
You are here for Allah
You are here for the King- Yal Malik
Beloved Amanita
Understand we all die
We won't live for ever
And neither will I
when my time comes
don't cry
I'm returning to Allah
my love don't be sad
I'm returning to the Eternal one-Yal-Sammad
Beloved Amanita
I gave birth to you in pain and sweat
My love is deeper than you could understand
No matter what happens don't you ever forget
The arms of your mother that held you with pride
The sacrifices of your mother that helped you to strive
Allah has always embraced you in his holy way
Allah the All Embracing- the Yal-Wasay
Beloved Amanita
Your grandmother and I were torn apartI went through my childhood with no home
Rejected, abuse, and alone
I entered adulthood lost and confused
until the day I was ready to take my life
I received knowledge from on high
from Allah- The Guide- Yal-Hadi
Beloved Amanita
I know that you are intelligent and strong
and let no one convince you that I am wrong
This life is a journey that can go many places
It will introduce you to many paths and their faces
But nothing erases
The truth, the deen,
It is your gift and way to survive with out me
It's your noor, the light that helps you see
Beloved Amanita
Be who you want to be
Open your wings and fly
Open your heart to Allah
And bloom like a colorful butterfly
Beloved Amanita
I know you will be just like me
A stubborn, strong, bull headed girl
stand up for truth and justice
stand up to the world
Beloved Amanita
Be grateful to Allah
for the skin tone and shape he gave you
stand up tall like the Prophet pbh
and let no one degrade you
It is Allah, who is greater than them
It is Allah who made you
Beloved Amanita
You are African
You come from a noble people
Don't allow America to convince you your ancestors were feeble
Your roots are from Senegal, Mauritania, and Mali
Where some of the greatest Islamic Empires spand
It is where your lineage is, it is your true home land
Beloved Amanita
Not all your family were slaves
Because the feared Allah
And submitted and obeyed
Their only Master was Allah
They were left alone
Because the slave makers saw
That they were a people of strength a people of Allah
Beloved Amanita
I loved your father
He was a greater teacher
His dream for you
is to be the greatest leader
for you to submit
for you to commit
to carry the Torch of Islam
and to embrace it no matter how trying or hard
To accept that being a Muslim is who you truly are
Beloved Amanita
Your name is special
It means I can trust you
So I ask you to share
What ever wealth, education, or status you receive
With the ummah, be just, and be fair
Be forewarned that things will become tough
things will fall into a downward spiral
and Muslims will forget what the Qur'an is worth
and at this point you will feel Allah's power shake
the whole entire earth
Allah's power will overcome
the whole entire universe
Remember to die on the Sirat-ul Mustqueem
Never, Never, Never, forget what that means
Keep the Qur'an stored in your mind
one day it may become banned or hard to find
recite in your prayers as much of it as you can
so that you and yours will be guided
and will not loose Islam
Beloved Amanita
You were my first born
And from you I did learn
I know I have made mistakes
I ask for your forgiveness
For Allah's sake
I love you
my beloved
I love you
my daughter
I love you
Please feel free to use it for your own child. I wrote it in such a manner that any one could supplement the Islamic/Arabic terms for their own religous tradition.
We half to do things like this becuase we are in position where we have no reliable, safe, and trustworthy family members to care for our babies should something happen to us.
To some, it will sound extreme but you get my point...
I'd say before we teach me: bible, Qur'an, torah, etc we should teach them things like this. If we do teach them poems like this and their memory retains it, they will naturally gravitate toward the truth in scripture
Let me know if you do come up with something!
Mashallah what a beautiful, strong poem!! may the sister who wrote this and all mothers and children have the experience of having a true, kind, strong bond between them . My mother taugth me to always put my trust in Allahswt. She build us up that way,with love, knidness and care so when she left to live somewhere else, I new I had to be strong and depend on G-d alone.
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