Monday, September 15, 2008

Not Everyone Overcome Abuse-2

The reason i ask that we make it a valid point to understand those victims of abuse is because as a society we damn sure do not do enough to help them. In fact, most of us usually try to gravitate towards people with only shiny backgrounds. I contribute this to our fascination with perfection and beauty. Or we gravitate towards those we have MOST in common with and that is great however that should NOT keep you from understanding others who you have very little in common with, right? I always make an attempt to see something as best as I can through another persons eyes. I can still believe what I want and still understand what you see. I do it all the time. I also have confidence and faith in myself to know if there is a better way to look at the particular situation I will eventually do that. In time. And there have been a few times when I was enlightened by the other person's ideas and thoughts concerning a matter.

For ex. I am a registered member on MotheringDotCommune. And I knew that there were other mothers who had miscarriages, still-borns, babies who died immediately after being born and those parents of children with special needs. But after being an active member for about a month, and seeing the different threads started, I have noticed more children with special needs than I ever remember seeing before. So, this Sunday I was at the park and there was a boy about seven years old and I could see he had special needs. He was a beautiful young boy, and his parents were normal. However, while swinging on a swing it suddenly dawned on me, I have been looking Right BY those families before. I never saw them nor did I want to. And why should I. We have nothing in common. All of my children were born "normal" right? WRONG!

I should know children with special needs exists and their struggles. We all should, many of us went to school with them. But I have no idea how difficult it is to raise a child with special needs and obviously most people do not want to. That is why there are groups and meetings especially for these parents. So they can bond and form friendships with other parents of children with special needs. So, the cycle continues because they also go right by a mother with a normal child to befriend someone she has more in common with. We don't have to be friends but we should know about their struggles and difficulties. We should know about their fights. Plain and simple, we should know a lot more about other people than we do. We should care about the journey of another person. We should respect it as the path of a fellow traveler and move on. And we should always see ourselves in the eyes of another.

Because after the support groups and meetings are all over, they come in contact with people like me and you. A support group is not the only place we should be able to get our backing from. People should not have to leave a room where everyone inside are the only people able to relate to their experience and walk into a world of billions and feel like a stranger.

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