I was speaking with my father yesterday and he told me that one of his friends was arrested for soliciting a prostitute last week. This guy is in his early 50's and was walking down the street when we was approached by a woman. No one knows what happened after that, but the guy was arrested and taken to jail. Was he trying to have sex with a prostitute? Was he in the wrong place at the wrong time? Could have this man have been innocent? The answer to all three questions could be yes, or no. He could have very well been innocent and at the wrong place at the wrong time, and that is how we will approach this issue.
Most of my writings are for those trying to get themselves into better situations. Overcoming childhoods of abuse and spending the last years of their lives doing what they would like to do. Well, in order to do that you must become selfish. That man had already served several prison sentences and what he failed to realize (hopefully he does now) is that you have to STAY AWAY from people who do NOT have your best interest at heart. You have to not only cut existing ties with those who mean you no good but also stay away from almost everyone UNTIL you get the skills needed to establish a better support system. And during this time you'll probably be alone and without anyone to talk to, but this time of repose and silence is needed for the next phase.
My father commented on the small number of friends I have now. He's right. I can count on one hand the number of people I call my friend. If I can not sit in silence with you, we are not friends. We may be family, associates, and neighbors but we are not friends. I value my friendships, and a friend will not purposely get you into trouble. A friend understands your path. Slow to judge, quick to love...you get my point. If you are trying to leave a part of your past behind, you have to leave certain people behind. It is the way of the universe. It has nothing to do with judging other people. In fact, in the animal kingdom the weakest is preyed upon. In the animal kingdom, the weak is LEFT behind. It's nothing personal. It's a matter of survival. You go back and help when (and only when) you are strong enough. Until then, Autobots (Transformers) move out.
Had my father's friend knew this, he would have ran away from that woman. He would have fled like the birds fly south for the winter and never looked back. There is no friendship to be forged with people who can not help you elevate to the next level, mentally or spiritually. Be ruthless if you must. It's your right. But stay away from trouble.
I am in a situation where I realized almost all of my "friends" were actually really doing me behind my back.
This advice you are giving is exactly what I have been doing. Staying away from everyone, period.
I have been very lnely, but better to be lonely than continue to be abused!
I will prevail!
Somebodies friend,
You are very smart! I agree 100% with you. It is much bettter to be lonely (it can get rough sometimes) but as you said, you will prevail.
This is so deep. That is so true that you have to guard your heart and your life. I am like you. I don't let a ton of people IN.
Somebodies friend. don't look at it as loneliness, but as solitude. SOmetimes you need to be alone to let your life speak to you
welcome... you gave some really great advice.
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