In this world people would like to know, where are the others? Where are the people who have overcome? Who are the individuals living lives of joy? Where can I find these people? In a time of blogs, magazines, internet, cable, and other media outlets you have to have your eyes peeled, and your ears have to be open. You'll have to want to learn more than you desire to teach. You'll have to be patient and endure whatever it is that you must. And one day when you are stuck in a rut, sitting down at the park, on a bench barely standing, she'll join you. And she'll give you what you need at that moment. This can be a male or female. Age is just a number in this matters. Looks can be deceiving. Listen for the message. Listen for the message. Listen to the heart. Be still. Let them do the talking. Let them do the explaining. Let them show you what is required of you during your next few lessons. In them you'll see where you'll soon be. But you have to be open, ready. Your body will know when the lesson is needed and take you through the necessary changes in order to prepare. Your mind gets you ready. And you wait for the day the lesson shows up. You've prepared for this but have been discouraged for a while. That's understandable.
As long as there is evils and injustices against anybody there will be someone to speak up. Irregardless of class, education, or wealth. As long as there is somebody crying, there will be someone who feels that pain. I see that now. As long as there is a voice not being heard, there will be a person who bears that responsibility. It is not a burden but there duty. It is the way of the universe. It is the way we care for one another. They can flood us with televisions, and materials but it will always be someone who prefers the simple life, and his/her voice will speak volumes when the times comes. I know that now. I am on the side of good. I am on the winning side.
I started off this blog by talking about the others. We exists. We work right beside as you talk about your hardships and misery's. We are listening to the voices of evil and combating them on every level, but you have to look for us. We are being bombarded and attacked as well. But you have to trust that as long as there is someone being mistreated or abused we are in full bloom. You will not have to wait long, but you will have to prove yourself worthy or you will be dismissed. You know if this message is for you. You knew as soon as you began reading. Do your part, we shall do ours. We'll meet when necessary. We'll share, and depart. There is work to do.
Leave inspired, strive for excellence and speak out against evils. You will be lonely but you will save more people than you will destroy. You will build up what has been tore down. You will manage to do what few people have ever been able to do, make a difference.
Thank You, I have been waiting patiently, and sometimes not so patiently, for this message.
I will be watching and listening, I will know when the right time is.
Everything else has fallen into place, this will also...
God Bless You!
i was inspired by this lately when i came across women doing battle via the internet.
we are on the winning side.
Yes, there are many women doing battle on the internet, I can see them. I just hope I am not neglecting any of them.
I believe there have already been three messages to start the show. I recognized the first one about a month ago.
Down in the basement. "Is he still here?" (smile)
I knew imediately, I have been waiting for the day that he does "disappear", this is what I have been waiting for.
I was sitting on the bench about a week ago, Another message, I said I would call, they thought that would be great! But not until...
A couple nights ago, in the back... I chased that guy constantly until... Need to protect THEM... "Let me know if I can be of help" I heard it the next morning... "let me know", then
I knew this was what I was waiting for, I've known all along, but why turn the screw.
I already knew who my friends were, the ones close by. I already asked one to stop by...
like you, i hope i am not neglecting any of the people on the "winning" side.
sometimes i would get really discouraged but i am convinced that there will always be a battle between the spirit of good and evil.
I don't know why, but I have been discourage again lately, I don't want to miss the lesson, and what about the obstacle, is it going to be moved out of the way?
I thought the obstacle was going to be first priority, but it never gets out of the way!
Is the leeson going to come soon?
i will never pretend to have all of the answers because in reality i know nothing.
to answer your question though, yes, you do find a way to deal with the obstacle...eventually.
the lesson is what you learn while dealing with whatever is in your way. at least that is the way i see it. what about you? how do you see it?
Hang in there!
Well after some of the latest developments it looks like I need to work around the obsticle.
If I am used and betrayed, and I forgive, that is one thing. But it is not an open invitation for more abuse. And this seems to be the case here.
So it looks like I work around and forgive again on my way out the door.
But I will not leave myself open to more of the same. If someone isn't going to acknowledge they even did anything wrong and then keep doing it, I can forgive them, but they really betrayed me and to act like nothing happened really really hurts my feelings.
I can't pretend like everything is alright, because then I become part of the problem, I won't live in the land of make believe anymore! And it leaves me wide open for more of the same, and I won't play it anymore.
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