What about on a spiritual level?
Everyone wants to be famous for doing the "Claire Huxtable" in the African Female Community (thanks Khadija for that one) but what about the Spiritual Level? Trying to know God/dess while here on earth and then exhibiting God/dess-Like behavior. I would gladly stand by such a woman because that is who I am.
She is a rarity.
I enjoy reading the thoughts and essays written by a woman who has chosen not to belittle herself or ever lower herself to someone else's standards. It is hard here in America to find such a woman. A woman that has been enticed by temptation but has managed to "stay straight."
In the meantime, that is how I'd like to be remembered and what I'd like to be known for...following that narrow road to God. Giving the best of me to everyone I meet, doing whatever God asks of me.
African American women, at the end of time, will be able to say that we had dialogue with other African American women and collectively discussed our fate. Whether we agreed on a path to take or if each of us went our own separate ways, we discussed our future with other women of color, and I was apart of one of the many necessary conversations that have taken place.
I am participating in some of world's most beautiful thoughtful, provocative conversations. As a child, I'd never imagine such a beauty and the fact that these smalls moments are not bragged about is surprising and at the same time puzzling.
There is a calm when you live in peace and dwell in growth. I like the angle I see life from because it changes as I wisen, mature and grow. It's not a permanent state of mind. I am free to change my road if need be, and I like that. There are many discussions taking place about the state of the black community/family. Conversations and blogs written about everything from disciple to friendship. Leaving me many times speechless because of the importance of it all.
What is the African American's Woman next move?
Why does she choose this path?
How will it benefit her?
What are the consequences of her current conditions?
How does she go about making a change?
What literature we suggest for further study?
Last hopes, wishes, thoughts and prayers?
I am listening to the comments of an extremely intelligent, capable group of women whom, with God/dess grace and mercy will be able to give AA women a starting point to call our own. With this new hope, we encourage other women to be "prayed up" for days ahead. This is crucial for our survival for not only our individual survival but collective as well.
We may not admit to it but there is nothing like a "girlfriends" love. Nothing like calling another sister when we are upset and ready to kill everyone within eyesight. She'll ride with us because she is there in "our" moment...never really liked that guy anyway. She is familiar with our struggle and for some unexplainable reason, we appreciate her more than anyone of our other friends. It is this woman/friend we are missing and yearning for in the African American community.
Most of us know this and that is why not having a friend is considered such a horrible thing especially after one has made all of the right decisions.
What happened to the African American Women Community and can her heart be repaired and her doubts unfounded enough to begin a friendship with someone who needs her --like another AA woman?
Seems the female spirit has been torn apart by the collective. She isn't as strong and potent as before. She's lost a lot of her power and now resorts as being referred to as a gift, or an exception. If you have a true friend that you can count on for emotional support, you are very lucky. Be sure to nurture and maintain that unity. What you have is a rarity in the African American community.
Can we heal her in time? In my personal opinion, we're beyond certain things by now and we all haven't grasped that fact. Friendships are overrated and unnecessary because we don't need that lifeline to survive; there will always be life found in the artificial. Enough so that we are able to avoid one-on-one contact and remain selfish and only concerned with our individual needs.
But back to the question about the spiritual level.
It's not popular nor will it bring you fame; people knowing what you've contributed to the soul of the Universe. The deeds that you perform on a spiritual level stay there. Sometimes when you do things for God it is just between you and him/her. There isn't another soul who knows of your deeds. They remain unknown to man, no matter how "good" the decision you've made.
Honestly, I'd prefer just God to know of my actions and thoughts, this way I can be judged by the Judge...whoever s/he is. But sometimes I would like to be recognized and appreciated for my works by my fellow man and no matter what I do, they pass me by. Not all but enough to remind me that I am not a Beyonce Knowles nor will I ever be a Paris Hilton.
As my husband always points out, a bi-polar Assata Shakur with an eccentric, eclectic twist. I gladly take that title. It is my crown and the only person I can be.
For me, after what I have seen, it is all about being on a spiritual level, knowing God, Ideally, like no other. But that is just a goal, spiritual growth is what I strive for, so that I can be of the most service to others.
I also am tired of the back and forth fighting between women, espesially between women that I care about deeply. I am sure everything will work themselves out after the women sit and have a meaningful and honest conversation.
The part that hasn't sat well with one of the women is the shifting of responsibility and minimalizing the obvious facts. All that the other women want is an admission of mistakes made, and a very brief apology, nothing more. One woman espesially is just sick of hearing the same old tired stories, stories that constantly sugarcoat and shift all blame.
The women relize there is plenty of blame to go around, but when the most important facts are purposely omitted to try and save face it kind of rubs the others the wrong way, because they can see what really happened, and that is part of becoming healthy spiritually, not turning a blind eye to abuse and lies.
It is all about admission and forgiveness, not omission and denial to help everyone achieve a higher spiritual identity.
God loves honesty, because he already knows all of your wrongs. If you omit them, you are only lying to yourself.
somebodies friend,
The women are going to do everything they can to help as many of the AA women as they can. Because it is all about "carrying the message to other alcoholics who still suffer."
The women will have lots of small parties and make sure lots of the AA women get what they need, HOPE for a bright future.
Most AA men will be avoided at all cost, they are a sore that doesn't heal, and they all come across as "The good guys." That is the biggest bunch of bullshit, some of the shit they pull, they don't need to be included.
I'm sure when word gets around they will be upset at some of the women that are "carrying the message of AA", but that is just too bad, women have to stick by each other.
I don't know about you, but I don't want to be famous anyway, It would be kind of cool to meet a few "celebs", but I wouldn't feel comfortable being in the spotlight all the time anyway. It would be hard to be spiritual when you are trying to dodge the spotlight all the time.
somebodies friend,
thanks for that last paragraph:
"I don't know about you, but I don't want to be famous anyway, It would be kind of cool to meet a few "celebs", but I wouldn't feel comfortable being in the spotlight all the time anyway. It would be hard to be spiritual when you are trying to dodge the spotlight all the time."
it made me feel kind of silly because it would be (as you mentioned) extremely difficult to be close to God and be in the spotlight.
I am so glad I found this blog! Thanks for being!
You're Welcome!
African American women, at the end of time, will be able to say that we had dialogue with other African American women and collectively discussed our fate. Whether we agreed on a path to take or if each of us went our own separate ways, we discussed our future with other women of color, and I was apart of one of the many necessary conversations that have taken place. "
SS: Destouet, I just wanted to say that I saw your comments on Khadija's blog, and I'm so glad you are apart of the conversation.
What I love about your spirit is that you are constantly humbling your ego, and re-evaluating your self in context of any given situation from a position of strength.
Your spirit is very lovely to me.
Sister Seeking/Miriam
Assata Shakur is a wonderful person to be compared too :) When you get a chance please visit the largest resource site for Sister Queen Assata Shakur
Sister seeking,
Thank you! I'd like to always be my best regardless of my ego.
Already a member on the site. I have received a great deal of guidance and truth by visiting her site.
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