In this series of Thoughts By My Fellow Man I have highlighted and made a mental note to tell others of the wisdom and common sense being spewed forth from "average" individuals. To often we read quotes from people dead and gone and while their view points are needed and should be used as reminders to the younger generation I will say this; there are people that we choose to walk by everyday that have built in reservoirs of knowledge and useful information. I can remember the first time I heard, Saul Williams, Talk To Strangers I was deeply moved by the song because I have always talked to complete strangers. In fact, whenever I am late or take longer than what is necessary my family will say, "She's talking to somebody." It doesn't matter. It one of the way I stay sane in this insane world.
Today's thoughts is by Khadija one of my most favorite bloggers. You can check her out here. http://muslimbushido.blogspot.com/
She was responding to a posting about why it is important for black women to reconsider the support we give to most damaged beyond repair black men. With that being said, I am an advocate for interracial relationships. Black women MUST widen their dating pools at as soon as possible. If you would like to read her response in it's entirety, please do so by going here.
Thoughts by our Fellow Man
"Once somebody harms a person, that person is not obligated to concern themselves with "redeeming" the aggressor. Or concern themselves with whether or not the attacker is redeemable. This sort of thinking is anti-self-preservation."
We women have been pretty well beaten down and stepped on by almost everyone. It's damn near difficult to get any respect --including other females. I've made a promise to myself to watch how I treat and speak about other women especially black women. Immediately I found myself gasping for air whenever I made a remark about a situation because rarely did I step into it acknowledging that I was dealing with another female spirit. The only thing I saw was a issue, and that made me really unsympathetic towards them. So, the first thing I do is make sure I openly acknowledge the gender, then I deal with the situation and usually this causes me to be flexible in my thinking. I don't want to hurt or contribute to the pain of other black women in any way.
Khadija's comment is for any women who has ever been abused or violated by a person. It demands me to ask of myself and for you to ask of yourself, what is self preservation?
Webster's Dictionary has this definition:
Main Entry:
circa 1614
1 : preservation of oneself from destruction or harm
2 : a natural or instinctive tendency to act so as to preserve one's own existence
What must I do to preserve myself from the harm being inflicted by other people? Does a lion go back to the scene of battle and concern himself with whether he killed the hyena? Noooo! In my opinion, this care & concern for the aggressor is deeply ingrained in religion. But at the same time there are many parts of the bible that tells you a "eye for a eye."
For me this feeling of no longer feeling sorry for those whom have preyed on me as a child, is something new for me. I just adapted this thinking in the last week or so, and it shows, I admit. I'm a newbie but I understand the principle so well, I feel like on oldie. I am now like a wild animal, I have no remorse for those who try to do me harm. I will not tolerate it, neither should you.
Firsy of all I would like to say that this my be primarily a womans issue, it is by no means only a womans issue.
I am a man and I was abused as a child. Once I was abused once I seemed to be an open target for abuse from everyone.
Because the abuse started so young and I never was given the skills to fight the abuse, I became a doormat for just about anyone who crossed my path.
I got to the point that I didn't know any other way in life except to find and connect with people that would mentally abuse me and take advantage of me.
Well, I have taken my life back even though that means completely starting over. Just about everyone I knew was taking advantage of me in one way or another and because of my new outlook I must stay as far away from these people as possible.
I have very few people left that I talk to or associate with, bt I feel better than I have ever felt. I feel free of the emotional turmoil and self hate that these situations and "friends" created.
I realize I was always trying to please someone else and I never looked at my needs. My needs didn't even come last, I didn't think I was good enough to even worry about them. I figured if no one else ever gave a shit about them they must not be worth anything.
Well, today I take care of me first, even if it means beig alone. It is better to be alone and feel good about what yu are doing rather then hanging with a bunch of "friends" that use me to make themselves feel better!
somebodies friend,
i can't say I am always alone.
fortunately i am married to a wonderful man and together we have three children so my days are pretty much full. however, i had to learn the meaning of friend because i have called plenty of people my friend when they were NOT.
now i make sure WE are friends and it's not just me in a relationship.
people like us have a great opportunity to turn things around in our life and navigate our futures to go the way we desire. i, like you have learned to appreciate this second chance.
one last thing, you are 100% correct, abuse happens to both men & women.
"To often we read quotes from people dead and gone and while their view points are needed and should be used as reminders to the younger generation I will say this; there are people that we choose to walk by everyday that have built in reservoirs of knowledge and useful information. "
So very, very true.
When I was young, I once believed that special people have special wisdom.
ahhh aging...
Well, today I take care of me first, even if it means beig alone. It is better to be alone and feel good about what yu are doing rather then hanging with a bunch of "friends" that use me to make themselves feel better!
: )
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