Saturday, November 8, 2008


It's important for people who have overcome neglectful childhoods to take the time and learn how to dance.

About three/four years ago, Mr. Joanne Helton gave me a twenty dollar bill and demanded that I head to the mall directly after school and purchase Leanne Womack's, I Hope You Dance. She wanted me to listen it on a daily basis because it would do wonders for my soul in the long run.

Is there a song that you listen to whenever times get difficult? Would you care to share it with others?

I took that music cd home and put it on repeat until I knew every song on the cd. About a week later, Mrs. Helton noticed that I was dancing a bit more around class and whenever I was interacting with others. Pleased my soul to know that she noticed.

It's important to learn how to dance with people. It's required if you are someone who normally takes things personal. I went through a brief period of always assuming & taking some of the --smallest-- childest things personal. But as I grew wiser, I saw that none of this shit is personal. People (for the most part) are not out to get us. We are no longer running from the "bogey man". Most of the people we encounter now-and-days are just doing what is needed to survive. Nothing more. Nothing less. There is no conspiracy...just life.

It's important to know that!

Part of learning how to dance is learning how to pick a fight. Praying before you engage in battle & warfare (I am a FIRM --WILL.NOT.BE.MOVED. believer in mediating and praying before warfare.) Laughing hysterically, manically & out loud. Agreeing as much as you disagree. And most important stop taking everything every wrong every hurt every disagreement every broken promise every "s/he didn't say hi to me" every dirty look so personal.

You're safe now & free to dance as wild & free as dreams are.

Dance past and beyond the stars soar right up besides the sun feel the warmth of its heat ignite the fire within, fore, the sounds of the universe are plentiful & ripe always in season the same can be said about man.


Anonymous said...

I am basically at peace with myself and others.

You say I am free now when just days ago you were giving my a stern warning and a finger wagging, and telling me to stay away from everyone and every situation.

This is why I am frigging bi-polar, all I get is one message one day and then have it switched around the next, what the hell am I supposed to think?

As for everything is going to be ok and we are going to be in contact soon, I have been hearing this at least once a week for two months.

I am turning into a case, I don't know which way is up.

The rug has been pulled out from underneath me so many times that I won't even walk on the rug anymore, I am tired of falling with no one there to help pick me up.

I do have a better feeling this time, there have been a couple other clues, but this to has happened before.

I get angry because my whole life everyone has been playing me, everyone, friends, family, co-workers, even aquaintances,

And it is still happening, as far as my life is concerned, I can see now, but the games still have not stopped. When I see my friends in the flesh, and finally am debriefed, then I will be able to totally relax.

It seems I know everything and I know nothing all at the same time. I wake up in the morning and hope I will receive the answers I have longed for, and the contact with the ones that I love, the contact that IO have been waiting for for what seems an eternity.

I know it hasn't been that long, but you really don't understand, I have been waiting my whole life for my life to start and I think that it finally is going to happen.

NO one can tell me how I feel, Try spending close to 1/2 a centry alone, if I was lucky I was alone, because anytime I was with others I was getting my chain pulled.

But I am STILL STANDING, I am not sure how, but I am still standing.


Anonymous said...

Why does this post say Saturday, Nov 8 when it did not post until Nov 13?

I'm just letting the blg owner know in case you thought it posted 5 days ago

DeStouet said...



I didn't tell you anything. I asked you something and then admitted to reading it wrong. I do apologize.

DeStouet said...

One other thing, you are free to change your mind a MILLION times if you need to. If you have made a choice not to speak to a person, and then decide something different, that's alright.

People can call it whatever they want, but as long as you are still making moves from one level to the next, fuck them.